

Jesse said...

Ah, you see, this metaphor is about how the holiday of Easter has been completely changed. It's quite obvious, really: the bunny is the only thing taking up the picture, while on its ear is a small sign that there are still some who associate the holiday with Christ. Eventually, the cross will get smaller and smaller, while the bunny gets bigger and bigger.

Chocolatefigs said...

well, actually the bunny was there first, because romans celebrated Easter before they were christian, so really its the freaky cross thats growing...

Unknown said...

no, I think it's about how (some) catholics don't use birth control, and therefore breed like rabbits

Sparky said...

I think it's a reference to South Park with St. Peter(the rabbit)

Unknown said...

cross hare, its a crosshair!
(like on a gun :D )